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Dealing With Direction

“Meet and Respect Your Director”I talked Did they listen?If so, did they think with caring?Was there an understanding?Of what I was sharing? I was their man, of national tootNot a chance of disreputeIn all honesty, after my introductionI expected, nay, warranted a salute! Good, bad, sad, glad, mad, happy, snappy, crappy, nappy, lappy, lippy, snippy,…

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Biblical Terms for the Professional Actor

I’m so guilty of living in the past that there are times when even I can’t stand it. My love of the old movies, as I watched them as a kid, remains and will always live on in my mind’s eye and in my heart’s throbbing. I grew up believing almost everything I saw on…

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The Voice Over Audition: History + Pursuing Excellence

Many of our younger thespians are unaware of what transpired prior to their entering the commercial voice over world. Others are in search of the most beneficial way of continuing their pursuits of excellence as a talent. When I’m asked what it was like a few years ago, almost all are surprised at my history…

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So, What’s New?

“So, what’s new?” Are you inquiring as to the welfare of my family, or are you asking me, da harv, the casting director, the freelance director, the guy running a school, an office, a recording studio, or just plain Harvey Kalmenson, a man who finds himself, constantly running, like many of his colleagues, trying to…

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What influenced me to get into this business?

If you hang out long enough, and enjoy even a modicum of success, someone is bound to ask you how you got into this business. “How’d you get your start?” is the usual way the question is posed. Others are perhaps more specific; they’ll ask, “How did you get into voice over?” If it happens…