Lift up your head and shout:

“There’s Going To Be A Great Day” At Dorsey High School, back in those days of the real early fifties, the student body referred to athletes around campus as “the jocks”. Most of us didn’t walk like regular humans. We’d “swagger”. We were a bunch of sixteen-year-old kids who grew up playing baseball as men….

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A proud and emotional remembrance…

A proud and emotional remembrance… What follows will be recognized as a coinage by that of this man—now known to a fair chunk of our voiceover world as “da harv”. I refer to my “lead-in”. The term “lead in”, many years ago, was described by a prominent actor as the purest of precious metals known…

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Independence Day, 2023

It’s come and gone But this day of togetherness Will linger on Not only those who served We’re all veterans of America Reaping glory In what the founders prescribed Within our country’s Constitution “Independence Day” Hip, hip, Hurray!!! As being lived by da harv – HK – There is just nothing like being surrounded by…