Out of Necessity

“Out of necessity: History, explained to a child” To his adoring brood, Abe speaks of biblical facts: Our elected officials In service of We who are free Power driven classic wastrels they They sit while pondering Lacking knowledge to share Void of imagination Boredom reeks Another day’s performance Bearing an infamous stink Pernicious ways Shared…

Batter Up

BATTER UP, WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT I was thinking—from things like feet, arms, legs, skin, breathing, and a few other parts, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera, mirroring all of us as human beings—comes now da harv’s most outstanding, but least remotely lucrative discovery of all time:   Baseball, a part of life, the greatest game we…

Books, Dreams, Meanings & Leanings

Books, Dreams, Meanings & Leanings   Disclaimer: I love television, it helps me sleep. Truth be told, it’s really not love; there are times when the characterization of love is better suited descriptively as escapism from the current world we all happen to be existing in today.         Today, almost all of us as countrymen find ourselves singing the same…


 Masks Questions for my child   What if masks covered our eyes   What if we all needed to clasp Hands to get around safely   What if words weren’t allowed   If love was conveyed by the touch Of another’s hand As in a mom, a dad, a friend   Must we always talk…

Spark Glimmer Flame

 Spark, Glimmer, Flame Avoid calling it prayer Apply wishful thinking Yours alone to take A second choice Still fighting well-aged despair   Search the seemingly burned out coals Perhaps a flicker of light Remains beneath Though worn down Remembrances Mine to keep   Beneath it all My mind’s eye revealing Yet difficult to trust   Sleep…

Gentle Fist

  Gentle Fist Gentle Fist Gentle Fist   A fist, is a fist, is a fist as that of a child Fists are designed to hold things Some more tightly than others Fist sizes vary, mostly dependent on age Basic shapes are the same worldwide Fists should not be used to hit people   Pundits perch,…


Listening in While visiting almost Every age of the past A child was heard to ask Why don’t we live forever Why don’t all the good things last Why do people have to hurt Especially towards one another Why was a friend’s father taken Another one’s mother, the same way When will I go back…