Comparing Notes

I suppose it was an obvious thing to happen at a memorial service for the likes of Robert Easton. Sixty-four years or more of building credits is understandably mind-boggling. The scroll of names of the people he had coached through the years appeared in an endless parade on a full size movie screen, which had…

Query questions for Americans, be they Democrats, Republican, or whatever.

PREAMBLE: My very few words that follow were stimulated by a lifetime of beliefs (mine) in the United States of America (my country, and yours as well). Wearing the uniform of our American army during a war has perhaps given me, and a very select group of comrades, men and women, an unequalled opportunity to…

Sobering Up

A guy once told me how he never wanted to sober up. I wondered what the hell he was talking about; was he nuts? His demeanor didn’t resemble someone under the influence of drugs or alcohol. As a matter of fact, in today’s parlance, I’d categorize him as pretty much together. Of course it’s what…

Of Great Magnitude

Questions propel Often in abstract formFrom child hood on and on, endless Wonder is what I do almost every day.Wonder in every way “A remarkable person exists as a wonder to those he or she may perceive with great wonderment.”Hk One day not too long ago, in another century, I found myself atop a hill…

North Korea

Talk, talk, and talk. The newspapers and the TV talking heads are all at it again. The despot jerk that was the leader of one of the most depressed countries the world has ever known has dropped dead, they say from an apparent heart attack. I doubt if anyone could ever treat his fellow citizens…

Celebrating the Holidays

We had our office staff, teachers and engineers Christmas, Hannukah, and all purpose seasonal holiday party this Sunday last, December 11, at Firenze Osteria; Lisa Long’s establishment on Lankershim Blvd. In what Lisa calls Toluca Lake. One very large table in our own separate banquet room, was set up for us with all the frills…

Kalmenson & Alone

A Throng of one Without balance or justificationA stand-alone throng of oneReviewed daily by way of mirrorAs often as one might appearLook what joy I see in meNo questions allowedMore speed when space need not be sharedLacking despair, for none was ever thereWhat was has always beenA one sided building leaningTowards KalmensonAt one with being…