Please contact Wendy Sheridan, Education Coordinator, for guidance, 818.377.3600. ex. 111 or email


  • Likely signed with a voice over agent.
  • Must have an established VO career with earnings in voice over.
  • Must have a voice over demo. ​

​This level of study is formatted for voice-actors only with an emphasis on the following goals:

To learn the Kalmenson Method - a simple, yet powerful focus tool for voice over copy that allows the actor to see themselves in any given script and to find your own "truth" in voice over.

  • Taught exclusively by Cathy Kalmenson, Co-Founder, President, and Head of Casting
  • Honest and constructive feedback from LA’s top VO Casting Director
  • The exclusive and game changing “Kalmenson Method for VO Acting”
  • Applying The Kalmenson Method via challenging VO workouts at the highest level
  • Booking slump? Prep for consistently outstanding audition reads that reap a winning streak of VO bookings!
  • Re-evaluate your VO BRAND… based on who you are NOW
  • Study current trends and cutting-edge winning formulas, translating trends into your own truth
  • MASTER self-directed last-minute auditions with a fresh approach, enthusiasm, and confidence
  • Practice for refreshing your VO demo
  • Experiment with new or different approaches - complete with feedback on creating marketable packaging of the interpretation
  • Gain a better understanding of the casting system at Kalmenson & Kalmenson
  • Get to know our casting directors and them to know you
  • Work out at a challenging high level with other pros and respond to individual script challenges chosen specifically for each actor
  • Grow beyond your current comfort zone
  • And let’s talk tech and career strategy… the business side of the VO biz



Working Pro 

# Z-30017  Wednesdays: April 2 to May 7, 2025 (5pm to 8pm PT) - ONLINE

Ready to find out more?

Fasten your seat belt! You will know the truth of voice over.

Enrollment Details

Class Size: 10 student maximum

Cycles: 6 consecutive weeks

Evening Classes: Times vary. Check class schedule.

Class Length:  Class length may vary based on size. If the class only has 4 students enrolled it will be a 2-hour class.

Tuition: $595. (prices are subject to change; call to verify). Payment Plans available.


Make-up & Refund Policy: No class make-ups or refunds for missed classes. Class recordings provided.

Location: Online Zoom

Materials: All materials provided.

Instructor: Cathy Kalmenson - Co-Founding Partner, Senior Casting Director

​Note: All classes are conducted in English.

Questions? Please Contact us!