To Be A Rock

To Be A Rock
Often times the games children play or even imagine will remain with them for a lifetime. There was always the countless search for playful conquest during the wars, requiring challenging efforts, ruthlessly on display in schoolyardsnot only countrywide but by kids all over the worldone of which was “Rock, Paper, Scissors”.
What brought this to mind is my most recent re-read of “The Art of Acting”, a re-edited version having to do with one of the most gifted and astounding, female acting teachers, who had gifted the stage by and with her presence. Stella Adler is considered by many to be one of the top ten acting teachers of all time, in the world.
     It’s certainly far too long ago for me to recall or recapture the very first instance when I felt the totality of complete aloneness. No one there, except me, I thought. As the story goes, as I choose to tell it, I wasn’t alone at all. Many years have gone by while competing to see how fast time, mine, is capable of flying by.
I looked around
I was the only rock in sight
In my mind’s eye, an art form
It will remain there
This rock
Borrowed from nature’s hillside
It was to be sculptured
Like the many rocks before me
Seeing within an eye for the future
Allowing nature’s tribulations to pass
Never accepting dominance
I knew the world wouldn’t recognize my thoughts
Then I will applaud myself
Waving the flag, I choose to wave
While saying for the world to hear
If love is what you crave…
Crave on, always!