Make Room for Zoom

…It’s upon us, and here to stay, (I think)
Make Room for Zoom
        In the event you might not have noticed… it seems like everybody you know “iz”,  or has become a “Zoomer”. It’s an easy enough name to remember: “Zoomer” rhymes with late bloomer, groomer, bath-roomer, and many, many more I’m sure, like gloom, and ok, tomb, broom, monsoon (I don’t have the patience to look for any more right now). Time for me to “re-zoom”!
        Well, zooming right along, whenever there happens to be a change in our industry, said change either moves right along as is the case with the trending of “Zooming”, or any of its so-called derivatives. Or raises up to a momentary high before falling on its ass, like a mule without a continuous braying—rhymes with praying—which mostly never works out well when it comes to earning money, especially when it has to do with the lottery. I’ve been buying lottery tickets and simultaneously praying at the same time; the first California Lottery tickets were sold on October 3, 1985.
        Zoom is a web conferencing platform that is used for audio and/or video conferencing. They didn’t have none-a-dat when I was little blue-collar da harv in Brooklyn. For me, the web was a place for spiders. I loved the comic strip “Spider-Woman”, and so did almost all of my friends. According to the comic strip, she actually lived in a spiderweb—there was never any mention of a conferencing platform. A platform was something the then, ninety-ninth, New York City mayor La Guardia ran on.
        And one more thing to hear: “ZOOM IS HERE” at Kalmenson & Kalmenson, our newly-forming classes are being launched immediately. Our class schedule can be found on our website. Take a look, we’re global.
Our internationally known Kalmenson Method for Voice-Over Acting has been made into a perfect vehicle for actors in all stages of their careers.
“From condition to attitude by way of reflection.”
We are the original creator of a method that has successfully provided men and women with a track to run on… A hand to hold that will last a lifetime.
Zoom is upon us…
Kalmenson & Kalmenson is here to stay,
Rhymes with “HURRAY”!
(And HK)
For classes: 818-377-3600