As Seen at the Kalmenson’s


Yes sir folks, our very own voice over plumber.
I’m sure you’ve all heard about singing waiters, part time bartenders, and even off-duty cops who pick up a doubloon or two out there as a location guard. But today, comes a very special arbiter – a prince amongst the common and ordinary of our voice over world of renowned artists – David Prince to the rescue!
Question: What to do, or what do you do when you are the owner of a sprinkler system configured with controls fit for a lunar landing sequence? All water was flowing and not an English-speaking Man of Tools was to be found. Then, with the miraculous depth of any person with a gifted mind, the thought of royalty entered!  And, the rarity of mutual agreement quelled the discord that without dignity had embellished our Kalmenson & Kalmenson high decibel vociferousness.
David Prince, on call as a voice over maven going on thirty years, makes no secret about his prowess as a Master Patriarch of the Pipe. Yes, our very own David Prince is the proud owner of a well-oiled plumbing contracting business. David Prince to the rescue! On time and smelling as good as “Mike Diamond” could ever dream of.
With hands on his hips and teeth clinched in support of his firm jaw, “How can I help you ma’am?” David asked.
“David, it’s me,” Cathy replied.
 “I know that. I just like the way it sounds,” said David.
And so, the day was won.
The Encino Tsunami came to an abrupt end as our artistic white knight prepared to take leave. With a smile David packed up his tools and placed his beautifully embossed business card on the entry table.
Cathy fought back a tear as she read…
David Prince, Voice Over & Plumbing
Whatever your Needs, I’ve got the pipes.