An “Oy Vey”! Day at K & K

(But we ain’t complaining)

Place: da villa on “da hilla”

Da harv to Cathy via intercom at 6:06 AM

He: on the third floor (his bathroom)

She: that would be her, Cathy in our first floor office

In case you’re interested we built this place about sixteen years ago. For any of you out there who may be contemplating attempting to accomplish the same fait accompli, please wait until we explain the extreme tribulations of self-construction, destruction here in our great city of Los Angeles. 

Like I started to say, Cathy was down in our office on the bottom floor of our house (in her office) at 6:06 AM completing a last minute voice casting call from an ad agency producer who, as usual, found himself in desperate straits (as he described himself). As usual, they contacted us because they had tried saving some money by attempting to cast the voices themselves.  FYI, it had become a do-or-die adventure for him that required us to complete on the very same day. She was just completing the call with him, guaranteeing he had nothing to worry about. Cathy had already completed our work order simultaneously while she was on the phone with him.

          In summary, here’s what the casting specs called for: Man or woman who sounded like an authentic Italian baker, as he or she welcomed their customer or customers into the bakery.

          One might think that would be a rather easy assignment for the world’s best (acknowledged) “Queen of the voice casting runway” to deliver.

Well, it did come to pass. That very same day, Cathy was able to make it happen. But it should be pointed out to any and all in our business, almost without exception, our clients, advertising agencies and production companies are financially much better served by coming to us first before putting a call out there in the marketplace on their own.