Humor in Our Workplace

I stand accused and convicted without the necessity of a trial, judge, or a jury of my peers. What is a peer anyway? ACCORDING TO WEBSTER’S DICTIONARY: A person of the same age, status, or ability as another specified person. Well, allowing for the fact it is almost impossible for a person of reasonable stature…

A State Of Affairs

As reported to me by an erstwhile member of our congress of these United States of America: “As the one and only Harvey Kalmenson (self-elected official), I do hereby stand alone and completely informed by the same elected official, placed in office by me, I hereby so direct his (my) function to continue on, and…

I Accepted the Job

I accepted the job figuring that I would just be passing through and before long, I’d be back working as a Production Stage Manager. I guess it’s a safe assertion that I considered being out of work far more of an insult than the meager 200 dollars a week that the corrupt asshole was willing…